Mastering Consultations

A 15-Step Guide to Building Strong Client Relationships

As a personal trainer, one of the most critical aspects of your job is effectively communicating with your clients. 

The initial consultation call sets the tone for your working relationship, helps establish trust, and provides an opportunity to understand the client's needs and goals. 

It also helps you do one thing you might be shy or hesitant to do during a consultation call - to showcase your experience and to position yourself as an authority with empathy and experience. This gives clients a sense of stability and safety. 

In this article, we'll explore a 15-step process to help you conduct successful consultation calls with prospects and new clients, ensuring a close, and setting grounds for long-term client retention.

1. Setting the Stage: Craft a Clear Call Agenda

Before the call, outline what you plan to discuss during the consultation. 

This not only helps you stay organised but also allows you to convey to the client that the call has a clear purpose.

2. First Impressions Matter: Introduce Yourself and Your Credentials

Begin the call by briefly introducing yourself and highlighting your professional qualifications as a personal trainer. 

This helps build credibility and trust with the client right from the start.

3. Health First: Gather Fitness and Health History

Ask the client about their current fitness level, any previous experience with exercise, and their health history, including any medical conditions or injuries that may affect their training. 

This information is essential for designing a safe and effective training program tailored to their needs.

4. The Art of Listening: Engage with Open-Ended Questions

Active listening is crucial for understanding the client's goals and motivations. 

Ask open-ended questions to encourage the client to elaborate on their aspirations and expectations from the training program.

5. Highlighting Your Expertise: Connect Their Goals to Your Services

Based on the information gathered, discuss how your expertise and services can help the client reach their desired fitness outcomes. 

Provide examples of previous clients who have achieved similar goals under your guidance.

6. Real Talk: Establish Realistic Expectations and Timelines

Ensure that the client has a clear understanding of what it takes to achieve their goals. 

Discuss realistic timelines and emphasise the importance of patience and consistency in the process.

7. Scheduling Success: Find the Ideal Training and Check-in Time

Discuss the client's availability and preferred schedule to determine the most convenient time for training sessions and further check-ins.  

This shows your willingness to accommodate their needs and helps build a strong working relationship.

8. Sharing Your Vision: Communicate Your Training Philosophy

Share your training philosophy and how you design personalised programs for your clients. 

Discuss how you track progress and adjust training plans based on results. 

This gives the client a better understanding of your methods and what to expect from the sessions.

9. Trust-Building: Address Concerns and Answer Questions

Allow the client to voice any concerns or ask questions about your training approach, credentials, or any other aspect of the program. 

Addressing these concerns early on helps build trust and ensures a smoother working relationship.

10. Beyond Exercise: Discuss Nutrition and Lifestyle Factors

In addition to exercise, nutrition and lifestyle habits play a significant role in achieving fitness goals. 

Discuss the importance of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle choices, and how they can support the client's training program.

11. Financial Transparency: Clarify Pricing and Payment Options

Transparently discuss your service fees and the available payment options. 

This helps the client make an informed decision and sets clear expectations from the beginning.

12. Ongoing Support: Detail Your Communication Strategy

Outline how often you will communicate with the client and the type of support you offer outside of training sessions. 

This may include check-ins, progress updates, and answering questions via phone or email.

13. Roadmap to Results: Present a Clear Plan of Action

Based on the information gathered during the call, create a detailed action plan for the client, including program specifics and scheduling. 

This helps the client visualise the path to their goals and gives them confidence in your abilities as an expert in nutrition and exercise science.

14. Post-Call Follow-Up: Reinforce Commitment and Trust

After the call, send a follow-up email or message to answer any additional questions and confirm the agreed-upon plan. 

This demonstrates your commitment to the client and helps reinforce the trust established during the call.

15. Positive Vibes: Express Your Excitement to Start the Journey

Lastly, convey your enthusiasm and excitement about working with clients to help them achieve their goals. 

This positive energy can be contagious and motivate clients to commit to their fitness journey with you.


Following these 15 steps during your personal trainer consultation calls can build strong, lasting relationships with your clients and help them reach their fitness goals. 

Remember that effective communication, empathy, and professionalism are key to fostering trust and ensuring the success of your client-trainer partnership. 

So, take the time to hone your consultation skills and make a lasting impression on your new clients.

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